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Bichat fat pads

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Dr. Carranza is an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon.

The Bichat Fat pads are fat tissues found below the cheekbones. They tend to be more prominent during childhood, and so as the face ages it tends to get a more angular, refined appearance. In faces with very rounded cheeks, extracting the Bichat fat pads will give the patient a more elegant, contoured look.

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The Procedure

This procedure is often recommended for very round, chubby faces.

The surgery is a very simple and quick one, often taking no longer than 30 or 45 minutes. It is usually done with local anesthesia, and for the patient it is a very similar experience to that of more elaborate dental procedures.

Patients go home the same day, and are able to get back to their normal routine a few days after that. Swelling tends to be less compared to other procedures.